Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) to establish The Tamil Nadu Centre of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing (TANCAM) at the TIDEL Park, Chennai.

Get In Touch

Joseph College of Engineering and Technology, Thanjavur

Our TANCAM team had the wonderful opportunity to meet with the Principal of Joseph College of Engineering and Technology, Thanjavur. This meeting was a significant step towards creating awareness about the TANCAM Centre of Excellence for Collaboration.

We are committed to fostering innovation and excellence through strategic partnerships with educational institutions. This collaboration aims to provide students and faculty with unparalleled resources and opportunities to excel in their respective fields.

Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam

Our TANCAM team had the privilege of meeting with the Principal of Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam, to discuss and create awareness about the TANCAM Centre of Excellence for Collaboration. We are happy to explore the opportunities this partnership brings, aiming to enhance innovation, foster cutting-edge research, and empower students and faculty with state-of-the-art resources.

Dr K R Balakrishnan - MGM Healthcare Visited TANCAM

Dr K R Balakrishnan - MGM Healthcare Visited TANCAM


We were happy to host esteemed members of the CVRDE-DRDO team at the Center of Excellence (TANCAM) on May 29, 2024.

SSN iFOUND Team Visit

Boniface Pascalraj and Dheepan Jeyaraman from SSN iFOUND, visited Tamil Nadu Centre of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing - TANCAM and met with Vijayadeepan S M, COO. The discussions focused on exploring mutual synergies and potential collaboration opportunities.

iStart Team's Strategic Visit to Tamil Nadu!

iStart Team's Strategic Visit to TANCAM!

Senior Manager from Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited

Senior Manager from Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited

Hinduja Tech Officials

Hinduja Tech Officials