Kumaraguru Centre of Industrial Research
and Innovation, Coimbatore

Coimbatore Institute of Technology,

Indian Institute Of Technology,
Department of Ocean Engineering
Areas of Collaboration
R&D and Joint Product Development
TANCAM and Research SPOKE jointly into product development & related R&D activities.
- Product requirements, Specifications, and Development process for each product.
- Practical Training to students/Engineers on Product Design and Simulation Tools, Digital Manufacturing.
Expert Consultation to Product Design and Technical Support services
Research SPOKE provide support to TANCAM and jointly to MSMEs for the Technical, Research, and Engineering support services as and when required for the product development in the following areas,
- Development of 3D CAD Models
- Finite Element Analysis (Structural and CFD)
- Multi-Body Dynamic simulations
- Designing of electrical/electronic systems
- Development of prototype
- Reverse Engineering
- Digital Manufacturing Services
- Manufacturing, Testing, and Validation support of Newly developed products
Utilization of Facility for Training and Events
Research SPOKE and TANCAM jointly to conduct training programs for MSMEs in the technology areas and engineering and simulation.