Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) to establish The Tamil Nadu Centre of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing (TANCAM) at the TIDEL Park, Chennai.

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Design and Modelling of Frictionless Screw Jack using Ball Bearing

"A Frictionless screw jack is an example of a power screw in which a small force applied in a horizontal plane is used to raise or lower a large load using ball bearing. The principle on which it works is like that of an inclined plane. The mechanical advantage of a Frictional screw jack is the ratio of the load applied to the effort applied with the help of the ball bearing. The Frictionless screw jack is operated by turning a threaded nut. The height of the jack is adjusted by turning a threaded nut and this adjustment can be done manually. When the screw jack lifts the heavy load, there may be a chance to failure of jack axis"


St.Joseph College of Engineering
