"Quadcopter can achieve vertical flight in a stable manner and be used to monitor or collect data in a specific region such as Loading a mass.
Technological advances have reduced the cost and increase the Performance of the low power microcontrollers that allowed the general Public to develop their own quadcopter. The goal of this project is to Build, modify, and improve an existing quadcopter kit to obtain stable Flight, gather and store GPS data, and perform auto commands, such as Auto landing the project used an Aero quad quadcopter kit that included A frame, motors, electronic speed controllers, Arduino Mega development board, and sensor boards and used with the provided Aero quad software.
Batteries, a transmitter, a receiver, a GPS module, and a micro-SD card adaptor were interfaced with the kit. The aero quad software was modified to property interface the components with the quadcopter kit. Individual components were tested and verified to work properly. Calibration and tuning of the PID controller were done to obtain proper stabilization on each axis using custom PID test benches. Currently, the quadcopter can property stabilize itself, determine its GPS location, and store and log data. Most of the goals in this project have been achieved, resulting in a stable and manoeuvrable quadcopter. The modelling was done in CATIA"
Dinakaran.G , Jeyavignesh.J & Sivakumar
Madras Institute of Technology - Chennai