Technical conclave on "Evolution, Intelligence and Advancement in manufacturing"
- 14 Feb 2023

COSIEMA Coimbatore, in association with Tamil Nadu Centre of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing - TANCAM , had organized a technical conclave, in COSIEMA Hall, SIDCO, Coimbatore on 14-02-2023 (Tuesday). More than 200 participants were present from various domains including MSME's, Students and Faculty members across the Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges in Coimbatore. COSIEMA members eagerly posted their queries on the technical details and emphasized the importance of having a SPOKE center that operates exclusively for MSMEs through COSIEMA. The Three hours conclave was preceded by TANCAM and DASSAULT representatives Mr. S.M. Vijayadeepan and Mr.Sunil Dhingra.
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